
Mr David White staff profile picture

Contact details +6469517039

David White

Senior Tutor

School of Economics and Finance


Contact details

  • Ph: 274374141
    Location: 4.31, SST
    Campus: Manawatu

Research Outputs


Squires, G., & White, D. (2020). Editorial. Journal of Property Investment and Finance. 38(1), 1-3 Retrieved from http://emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JPIF-02-2020-141/full/html
[Journal article]Authored by: White, D.Edited by: White, D.
Squires, G., & White, D. (2020). Editorial. Journal of Property Investment and Finance. 38(1), 1-3
[Journal article]Authored by: White, D.Edited by: White, D.


Javed, A., Squires, G., & White, D.Commercial Real Estate Performance Analysis of Australia and New Zealand. . Canberra, Australia
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Javed, A., White, D.
White, D., Squires, G., & Syed, I.Fungible House Prices: Disentangling Owner-Occupation and Investment Properties.. . Melbourne, Australia.
[Conference Paper]Authored by: Syed, I., White, D.